A volcano is an opening, or rupture, in a planet’s surface or crust, which allows hot magma, volcanic ash and gases to escape from the magma chamber below the surface.
Volcanoes are one of the dangerous things created by nature. Active volcanoes can put a lot of fear in people’s mind. Erupting volcanoes can pose many hazards, not only in the immediate vicinity of the eruption. Volcanic ash can be a threat to aircraft, in particular those with jet engines where ash particles can be melted by the high operating temperature.
Volcanoes are known to be the worst disasters put by nature. It’s not an easy job to save those disaster moments in your camera. But there are many photographers who take the risk and shoot volcanoes to show them to the world. In this post we have a collection of 20 amazing volcano photographs for you to have a look. We appreciate photographers who took these beautiful volcano eruptions by putting their lives at risk. Being at the right place and right time apply to shoot volcanoes.
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Smoking Volcano
The Gate to Hell
Eyjafjallajokull Volcano Iceland
Eyjafjallajokull Volcano Iceland
Close Encounter
Volcanic Iceland
After Dawn
Smoking Landscape
Valley of Giants
Eruption Through the Fog
Lavafall at Fimmvorouhals!
The Volcano
Volcano Eruption
Mount Bromo
Volcanic Eruption
Volcano Erupts in Chile
Chile – Puyehue Volcano Eruption
Chile – Puyehue Volcano Eruption
Chile Volcano
Mount St. Helens
Grimsvotn Volcano Eruption Smoke and Plane
Grimsvotn Volcano Eruption Smoke and Plane