Ole Henrik Skjelstad is a Norwegian landscape photographer and a math teacher. It is the latter that pays his bills. He didn’t believe he had any talent when it came to photography.
He started taking images with the cell-phone and found the activity both fun and refreshing. This led to him receiving his first camera as a birthday present in January 2013. At first, he only shot jpg. He had no idea there existed such a thing as a raw file until one of his friends of his daughter told him that he should start shooting in the raw file format. The next step was thus to shoot bracketed with simple editing in HDR software.
It was at the end of September 2013 he set up an account on 500px. He remembers so vividly how blown away he was seeing the images on this platform. He just knew if he was ever to create images like the ones he saw on 500px, he had to practice a lot.
This passion grew with time. He mastered editing photos in Adobe Photoshop and today he’s been featured in many international publications. Don’t forget to check his website for more amazing photos.