Many of us often change their desktop wallpapers to brighten the day and give desktops a new look. Finding a good wallpaper is a big task and you have to Google for ‘Desktop Wallpapers’ or other phrases like Free Wallpapers etc. So today we are trying to make you life easier and listing ten great websites to download free wallpapers for desktop. You can find cool wallpapers with multiple resolutions. Enjoy and feel free to share other websites or findings.
1) Deviant Art
deviantART is an online artist community. The site aims to be the place for any artist to exhibit and discuss works. It also contain beautiful collection of all types of wallpapers in different resolutions.
2) Flickr
Flickr is a popular website for users to share and embed personal photographs, the service is widely used by bloggers to host images that they embed in blogs and social media. You can find thousands of great wallpapers on this website.
3) InterfaceLift
InterfaceList is a popular website to download free wallpapers for your desktop available in several resolutions.
4) Vladstudio
Vladstudio is the project of Russian digital artist Vlad Gerasimov. His website has wallpapers for desktop, iphone, ipad, 2 screens and 3 screens. You should visit this website to decorate your desktop with sweet wallpapers.
5) Digital Blasphemy
At Digital Blasphemy, you can get hi-res original 3d-rendered computer desktop wallpapers. The public gallery images are free to use as your personal desktop wallpaper.
6) Wallcoo
Wallcoo is very cool wallpaper website providing over 60000 high quality and beautiful free wallpapers for different monitor size. Tens of thousands widescreen wallpapers just a click away.
7) Simple Desktops
Simple Desktops is another awesome wallpaper collection website curated by Tom Watson designed to make your computer beautiful without distraction.
8) Wallpapers
Wallpapers – Your source for original desktop wallpapers, 3D animated wallpaper, desktop slideshow, and standard wallpaper.
9) Best Wallpaper Site
At Best Wallpaper Site, you will find the best free desktop wallpapers available today to download. Get free hot wallpapers and share yours.
10) MWallpapers
MWallpapers provide the best wallpapers for your desktop. More than 30,000 free desktop wallpapers in many cateogries, including HD Wallpapers, 3D Wallpapers and more.