Rooftop Cinema

A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and informative.

People think poster design is fading away and not used much in the industry. It’s true the posters had their golden age when everybody used almost only this medium for advertising. Though that age is not fully gone (and would never). We still see posters everywhere around us, in the streets, on the walls and at many other places. Posters can be used for many purposes.

In this pose we showcased 32 cool poster designs for your inspiration. Designer’s using cool typography, texture, negative space and splash of colors in these posters that are really effective in catching people’s attention. You should go through the collection before designing a poster for you or client to get some ideas. Enjoy!

If you like this article, you might be interested in other article on Beautiful Flyer Designs.

Poster Design

Roland Garros Poster

Roland Garros Poster
Roland Garros Poster

Rooftop Cinema

Rooftop Cinema
Rooftop Cinema

Boardwalk Empire HBO

Boardwalk Empire HBO
Boardwalk Empire HBO

Fantastic Four: Puerto Rico

Fantastic Four: Puerto Rico
Fantastic Four: Puerto Rico

The Last of Us

The Last of Us
The Last of Us

Les Miserables

Les Miserables
Les Miserables

True Blood

True Blood
True Blood

Elysium Poster

Elysium Poster
Elysium Poster

Artcrank Velib

Artcrank Velib
Artcrank Velib

Love Triangle

Love Triangle
Love Triangle

Let the Jazz Play

Let the Jazz Play
Let the Jazz Play

Let’s Appreciate the Planet

Let's Appreciate the Planet
Let’s Appreciate the Planet

A Battle Beyond the Stars

A Battle Beyond the Stars
A Battle Beyond the Stars

The Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution

Minimalist Doctor Who Poster

Minimalist Doctor Who Poster
Minimalist Doctor Who Poster

Knock Knock

Knock Knock
Knock Knock

Donate Fresh From the Heart

Donate Fresh From the Heart
Donate Fresh From the Heart

Into the Green

Into the Green
Into the Green

Wimbledon Final Party

Wimbledon Final Party
Wimbledon Final Party

We Pick You Mix

We Pick You Mix
We Pick You Mix

Girls Wanna Have Fun

Girls Wanna Have Fun
Girls Wanna Have Fun

SEIU Healthy California Poster

SEIU Healthy California Poster
SEIU Healthy California Poster

Stereo Sound

Stereo Sound
Stereo Sound

Star Trek Into Darkness

Star Trek Into Darkness
Star Trek Into Darkness

Time is Ticking

Time is Ticking
Time is Ticking

Big In Japan

Big In Japan
Big In Japan

Batman Begins Alternative Poster

Batman Begins Alternative Poster
Batman Begins Alternative Poster

Kick Ass Alternative Poster

Kick Ass Alternative Poster
Kick Ass Alternative Poster

Halo 4 – Minimalist Poster

Halo 4 - Minimalist Poster
Halo 4 – Minimalist Poster

The Attack of the Killer Gran Torino

The Attack of the Killer Gran Torino
The Attack of the Killer Gran Torino

Temporary Home

Temporary Home
Temporary Home

Twin Peak Poster

Twin Peak Poster
Twin Peak Poster

We hope you liked these posters. If you got some poster designs and like to share with our readers, kindly do it in the comments below.

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