January 15, 2025

As a freelance photographer with focus on landscape and people, Michael is based in Berlin since 2005. Born in a small Austrian village close to Graz on the countryside, Michael started taking his first pictures at the early age of 10. To get closer to his great dream of becoming a photographer he moved to Hamburg in 1995 – first assistant to photographers Stephan Abry, Martin Timmermann and Axl Jansen.

From 2000 to 2003 he studied photography at the prestigious Lette-Verein in Berlin, where he graduated with honors. Winner of several awards, among these the town of Berlin Art scholarship, PDN Photo Award for landscape photography in 2008 and National Geographic US Award for “best landscape photography.”

In this post we showcase amazing landscape and people photographs from Michael’s portfolio. His work is an expression of his close and deep relation with both nature and the human being.

Photos of People and Landscape

About The Author