October 18, 2024

Doing business online in addition to, or instead of working out of a brick and mortar location is a wise move in today’s marketplace. The U.S. Small Business Administration encourages business owners to take advantage of online selling opportunities. They advise business owners to look into selling online since it can be a lucrative way to attract customers, increase revenue and expand their marketplace presence.

All of the technological changes which have come in the form of mobile access have opened more possibilities for online business owners. Now they can take advantage of all the benefits of having a traditional website and traveling with their customers wherever they may go. Businesses that take advantage of creating mobile versions of their sites are putting their shopping cart in more places to make money every hour of the day.

Mobile Accessibility

Extending Hours of Operation

Having the ability to create mobile sites for smartphones and tablets is no longer an expensive endeavor. It has become cheaper, at the same time it is becoming almost a necessity of doing business. You can easily manage you online store from your mobile by opting for services offered by experts such as those at Shopify.  The Houston Small Business Chronicle says mobile accessibility allows a business to have a 24/7 showroom. It gives customers the ability to research products after traditional business hours, at their own leisure. This means businesses can capture purchases at the exact time when a customer is sold on closing a sale. Customers who are given the ability to make a purchase in this manner are more relaxed and inclined to fill an online shopping cart with more items than they would have under other circumstances. This means having mobile versions of an online store is an investment in the future financial success of a business.

You Gotta Look Sharp

Having mobile sites is only part of the picture for online success. Businesses need to be accessible and they have to look sharp. Entrepreneur Magazine suggests trying various types of text, text sizes and font choices as a way of making mobile versions of businesses stand out from the crowd. They also suggest adding vivid images and interesting color palates to these online store versions, to make your business even more eye catching. These changes have also been known to inspire consumers to spend more when shopping online.

Constant Administrative Access

Going mobile gives business more ways to grow beyond making them more accessible. Mobile versions of online stores can easily be put in place by companies that also offer mobile tracking features for owners. An example of this deals with pricing. A traditional website and mobile versions of a store all need to be offering the same items, at the same prices, at all times. Having the ability to make changes to prices and keep them consistent is now something that can be done anywhere. Business owners can do this from their smartphone or a tablet anytime.

Mobile tracking allows for one of the most important features on an online store to remain consistent. This is the shopping cart. Online shopping carts need to be developed in such a way that they are both inviting and user friendly. When a company is able to offer a consistent and easy form of check-out across all of the devices they are on, it increases sales.

Having the ability to check all sales related information means inventory can be better tracked and managed. It also means consumer trends can be easily tracked. On the website My Wife Quit Her Job it is noted that tracking customer variables can help increase sales. This is because having immediate access to customer activities gives owners the ability to quickly make changes which can reduce losses and increase sales.

Faster Problem Solving

Having the ability to access all administrative sales information from any location also allows for business owners to solve problems in ways which were not previously available. The Wall Street Journal has noted that there are businesses of all sizes taking advantage of online stores to easily fill their customer orders from almost any location. They can also get out in front of customer disputes and concerns immediately. These abilities help businesses owners retain more customers.

How to Mobilize

The best way for businesses to increase their online presence is through the use of a mobile adaptive design. This technology allows a site to be built once and then incorporated onto a variety of mobile devices. This cuts the expense of becoming mobile. It also allows businesses to ensure their look and message are consistent no matter where a customer may find them. Going mobile with a business is not only inexpensive, it is easy. They offer and install easy to use formats for businesses to create a perfect online presence. This gives owners the ability to expand while being able to focus on what it is they do best; running their business.

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