While designing websites there are many things which are considered to bring about the best possible results for example the play of different colors on different sections and layers, which font looks the best, which portions should be fixed and many other things. Now a days most websites have the important headings and table headers fixed so that they are easily findable by the viewers or just to show that the fixed parts are more important than the others. Well to make some areas fixed many designers code from scratch and then test their code continuously until the desired result is achieved but there is another much easier way of making some parts un scrollable. This other way is through jQuery plugins and tutorials. These plugins are extremely efficient and will give any designer the maximum benefits from using it. The most important reason for using such plugins is that they save plenty of time.
We have here in our collection today some of the most excellent jQuery plugins and tutorials for creating sticky layers and table headers. All the plugins are very well executed and the tutorials are just awesome as they take care of each and every detail that a designer should know while creating sticky layers or headers. Go ahead and surf!
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How to create an animated sticky header, with CSS3 and jQuery
In this tutorial we’ll create a header that sticks to the top of the viewport, but so that it doesn’t interfere with the content, we’re going to minimize it when the user scrolls down the page.
jQuery Sticky Header
In this tutorial we will create sticky header. The header is initially on its original place above the content, but as soon we start scrolling down the page, it sticks at the top of the page.
Sticky is a jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to make any element on your page always stay visible.
On Scroll Header Effects with jQuery & CSS3
You’ve surely seen those really cool on scroll effects for headers that have been around lately. One example is the header on the Riot Industries website by Phil Renaud which rotates in 3d on click and enlarges when scrolling down.
Headhesive.js : An on-demand Sticky Header
Headhesive.js creates an on-demand sticky header. Specify when you want your header to become fixed and the rest is magic.
jQuery Top Bar Offers Promoter
The jQuery Top Bar Offers Promoter is the best way to emphasize the offers on your website. All the special offers will be instantly seen by your potential buyers.
Stickyfloat : jQuery Animated Fixed Position Element Plugin
This plugin makes it possible to have a fixed position element that is relative to it’s parent. A normal fixed positioned element would be “out of context” and is very difficult to use in the most common situations with fluid designs.
jQuery Sticky Footer plugin
The jQuery sticky footer plugin sticks your footer, with or without set height, to the bottom of your page. You can also use the sticky footer plugin to stick other elements to the bottom of their parent.
HC-Sticky : jQuery Floating Sticky Plugin
hcSticky is a cross-browser jQuery plugin that makes any element on your page float.
Fixed Auto-Hiding Nav Bar with JavaScript
Top navigation bars have always been popular in web design. Since these elements contain such vital information some designers like to keep them fixed on-screen while scrolling down the page.
Persistent Headers
This is some code to get the header of some content area to stay visible at the top of the screen as you scroll through that content.
Sticky Header
Makes table headers stick to the top of the viewport when scrolling down HTML data tables.
StickyMojo is a contained sticky sidebar jQuery plugin brought to you by MojoTech. It is lightweight, fast, flexible and compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and IE8+. It will degrade gracefully in older versions of IE.
Table Fixed Header
A client-side jQuery plugin to transform your HTML table.
Zebra Pin
A lightweight and adaptive jQuery plugin for pinning any element to the page or to a container element.
Fixed Header And column Datatables
Jquery Scrollchaser
Create a sticky floating fixed/scrolling sidebar.
JQuery Lockfixed
Allow elements to stick within viewport when scrolling. Toggles position: fixed only after scrolling the viewport. Degrades nicely on mobile and tablet browsers.