In this post we showcased another 10 random pictures for your inspiration. Photography is a powerful medium & every photo really tell some story. Shooting excellent pictures is damn hard. You need practice and patience to take excellent photographs and get your hands on photography.
All the pictures are linked to the original source. You can click on each photograph to see the larger version. Here at Boost Inspiration, we are trying to bring you the best of photography and this series is a chain of that. We will be showcasing more random pictures in future, so stay tuned and don’t forget to subscribe to our RSS to get these beautiful pictures right in your inbox. Enjoy!
If you like this article, you might be interested in our previous article on random pictures.
New Beginings
Intervention divine
Mini Vegas
Dubai Marina – From Past to Future
Dubai Marina – From Past to Future
Fisherman handing out snacks to a whale shark
Fisherman handing out snacks to a whale shark
The Night of Lights
Between the present and the past
Between the present and the past