We love to see cute, funny, awesome animals, and they can’t be ignored in the world of advertising. Today’s collection of advertisements uses animals or creatures to attract the attention of viewers. Advertisers frequently use animals in ads. Animals are all creatures belonging to the kingdom of Animalia, like birds, reptiles, fish, and other larger mammals. Many animals are often perceived as cute, cuddly and friendly.
Even if you aren’t a creature lover, you are still able to objectively look at these creative advertisements and get some inspiration. All ads use a great touch of humour in order to connect with an audience. Some are surreal, others gruesome and bizarre, but each one delivers creativity that you can’t help but take notice of.
Here are 40 creative advertisements using animals as a theme or in its concept.
Valentines Day
The Goodbye Winter Sale
Free Your Dog
You’ll Never Be Surprised On Road Again
You’ll Never Be Surprised On Road Again
Price Drop
Cow Parade
Get Closer
Cost Sunglasses
Bad Luck Never Misses
100% Pure Lambswool
Cross Legged Cats
Reach High
Precision Trimmer
Desertification Destroys
Lose Your Licence And You Are Screwed
Lose Your Licence And You Are Screwed
Childrens Eyes
Discover Africas Spiciest Secret
Discover Africas Spiciest Secret
By New Oven Solardom LG
Natural Lifelike Lures
Make It Come Out With Activia
Stop The Spread
Each Minute Counts
No Leftovers Sorry Chester
The Longer Lasting Bone
Some Make A Jungle Of The Road
Some Make A Jungle Of The Road
Would You Care More If I Was A Rhino
Would You Care More If I Was A Rhino
Happy Easter Eggs
Campagna Grafitex
Makes Your Horses Purr
Pet Show Pet Food: Cat
Greenpeace: Polar Bears
VIPAL Environmental Awareness: Panda
VIPAL Environmental Awareness: Panda
Sneaker Freaker Magazine: Paint Bucket
Sneaker Freaker Magazine: Paint Bucket
Hotwheels Limpy
Compact Off Road
SamSung – 24x Optica Zoom
True Colours
PifPaf – All Insect Killer
Where Learning Happens Naturally
Where Learning Happens Naturally
Which is Your Favorite?
Hope you liked these advertisements. Make sure you leave a comment below and tell us which ones are your favorite ads? Which animal helps you to be creative or reaches out to you in a special way? Do you think the use of animals as an advertising concept is a successful way of reaching out to your audience?