We always love to showcase pictures from different photographers around the world. In today’s post we showcased 20 black and white pictures of Central Park, New York by Dave Beckerman. He was born and raised in the Bronx. He had his first darkroom when he was fifteen and introduced to photography at a community center.
Dave didn’t attend any photography school or work under the tutorship of any established photographers. What he know has been learned through trial and error. He did spend two years at NYU Graduate School of Film and Television where he learned a great deal about lighting techniques from a fine Hungarian cameraman, Other than that, He is a self taught.
Dave don’t believe that you need to go to school to learn photography, specially black and white photography. It is more important to have something interesting to say about life, or if not interesting funny. When people ask him about where to study photography, he tell them to study literature or music instead.
Don’t forget to check his other photos here. You will definitely like the pictures he’s in his portfolio or for sale!