October 18, 2024

Its always very helpful to start any project (web design, graphic design, drawing or painting) from some sketches and this what Benjamin Friess do. This post is about the painting called ‘Biomechanical Animals – The Wolf’ created by Benjamin Friess. He is digital artist from south of France. Benjamin has been drawing from childhood and at the age of 17 he started to create his own character design and illustrations. At 22, he started oil painting and it was the turning point to his life.

He prefer oil painting, it is a pleasure for him to work on the textures. But with the tablet he can do a lot more things and more easily. He is inspired by fantasy illustrators and also by all other illustrators whose work can be seen on the internet.

He has no technical skills to show you but he is very attached to details. Benjamin draws his inspiration mostly from nature robotics and animals pictures. He also suggest to take the time to admire and observe many paintings, digital or traditional. We stumbled through deviantART for following Wolf Biomechanical manipulation but you can also visit his website here for more interested paintings and artworks. No texture has been used in this painting. Its only brushes, brushes and brushes!

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