In today’s post we showcased beautiful pictures of Dubai you might never seen before. Dubai is one of the 7 Emirates (states) which make the country of UAE (United Arab of Emirates). Dubai developed a huge, modern business market in middle east which consists of minicities like internet, media, knowledge, attracting business houses, festival cities, students and tourists from all over the world. The scale of development is phenomenal. Some of these dubai pictures showcase the phenomenon.
Tall buildings, Hotels and parks of Dubai is attracting peoples around the globe towards Dubai. With clear skies all year round its a treat for photographers to do photography in Dubai. Alisdair Miller is one of them who enjoys taking beautiful pictures of Dubai. He is a creative director and do amazing photo manipulations. We personally liked all his Burj Khalifa (the tallest building in the world) photographs. Hope you might never seen before the pictures of Dubai we mentioned below from Alasdair’s portfolio. Enjoy!
Visit Alisdair Miller’s website here