October 18, 2024

In this post we showcase acrylic paintings by Kin Hyo-Suk that can blow up your mind. If you see these acrylic painting collection at first, you will think of them as some type of illustrations. After reading more on the subject I came to know its huge acrylic paintings, each approximately scale between 6 to 8 feet.

Kin Hyo-Suk named this incredible series of acrylic paintings as My Floating City, which was painted in 2009-2010. Kin featured human figures morphing into impossibly complex architectural figures and textures.

Acrylic Paintings

We hope you liked these acrylic paintings. If you know something about Kin Hyo-Suk or acrylic painting, drop us a comment. If you got more acrylic paintings you would like us to feature here at BoostInspiration.com, do it in the comments below or write us from the contact page.

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