Many people think the best time to take photos is daytime. Well they don’t know night time photography could be much better. Night photography refers to photographs taken outdoors between dusk and dawn where photographers have a choice between using artificial light and using a long exposure, exposing the scene for seconds, minutes, and even hours in order to give the film or digital sensor enough time to capture a usable image.
Stars seems far away but still it’s possible to see them with the naked eye when it’s dark outside and take beautiful shots of these stars. Though it’s difficult to shoot stars in this low light challenging atmosphere but using long exposure, or by doing astrophotography using a telescope, it’s possible to get some amazing views of the night skies.
In this post we bring you beautiful starry night photography examples to give you an inspiration. No Photoshop is used in these images. There’s some post-processing work involved in these photos, but much of it has to do with being at the right time, in the right place, and knowing what to do with your camera. We hope you will the collection.
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