March 29, 2025

Privateer Press, founded in December 2000, is an award-winning role-playing game and miniature wargame production and publishing studio. They produced board games like Warmachine, Hordes or the Iron-Kingdoms. Hundreds of thousands of players all over the world enjoy playing their games.

Warmachine is a fast-paced and aggressive squad-based tactical action game set in the steam-powered fantasy world of the Iron Kingdoms. Players take on the role of elite soldier-sorcerers known as warcasters. Though immensely powerful combatants in their own right, the warcasters’ true strength lies in their ability to coordinate and control the mighty warjacks- massive steam-powered combat automatons that thunder across the battlefield wielding powerful weapons and engaging battle in a clash of iron and steel.

An illustrator (Andrea Uderzo) from Italy has drawn a large number of incredible Warmachine painting & illustrations for Privateer Press. Today’s post is the collection of these digital paintings for your inspiration.

Warmachine MKII

01 of 30, Warmachine Digital Painting Privateer Press

Goreshade Warmachine

02 of 30, Goreshade Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Khador Army

03 of 30, Khador Army Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Mercenaries Army

04 of 30, Mercenaries Army Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Cygnar Army

05 of 30, Cygnar Army Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Retribution of Skyra

06 of 30, Retribution of Skyra Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Legion of Everbligt

07 of 30, Legion of Everbligt Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Minion Metamorphosis

08 of 30, Minion Metamorphosis Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Trollbloods Warmachine

09 of 30, Trollbloods Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Skorne Metamorphosis

10 of 30, Skorne Metamorphosis Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Circle of Orboros

11 of 30, Circle of Orboros Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press


12 of 30, Abyslonia Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Epic Thagrosh

13 of 30, Epic Thagrosh Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Epic Lylyth

14 of 30, Epic Lylyth Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Epic Doomshaper

15 of 30, Epic Doomshaper Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Epic Madrak

16 of 30, Epic Madrak Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Summer Rampage

17 of 30, Summer Rampage Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Thorn Warmachine

18 of 30, Thorn Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press


19 of 30, Templar Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press


20 of 30, Protectorate Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press


21 of 30, Rowdy Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press


22 of 30, Nightmare Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press


23 of 30, Mercenaries Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press


24 of 30, Mammoth Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press


25 of 30, Khador Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press


26 of 30, Drago Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Epic Madrak

27 of 30, Epic Madrak Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Pirates Cover Warmachine

28 of 30, Pirates Cover Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

Mysterious Passenger and Holt

29 of 30, Mysterious Passenger and Holt Warmachine

Margan Vain

30 of 30, Margan Vain Warmachine, Digital Painting for Privateer Press

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