Designers adopt various techniques and different approaches to make their websites stand out in the crowd and different than the rest of the infinite websites. But as just mentioned there are infinite numbers of websites that get launched every day therefore it is crucial and extremely difficult to make one website completely different and separated from the others. One way of making this happen is by infusing large photo backgrounds in the websites and making them responsive so that they are easily viewable at all sized screens like the hand held devices, laptops and desktops. Photo backgrounds provide timelessness to designs and give them a very personal touch thus making them memorable. The main purpose of any website is to provide the viewers with relevant information and to leave a lasting impression and this can be successfully achieved by using big photo backgrounds. This approach is indeed a little hard to come by hence the uniqueness in design is also achieved by adopting this technique.
To help and inspire all the designers out there we have collected the most stylish and ingeniously beautiful designs that incorporate big responsive photo backgrounds exemplarily. Scour through the entire collection and get impressed by how elegantly a website can be turned out by using large photo backgrounds. All these websites are designed by professional website designers and extremely breathe taking to behold!
Responsive Photo Backgrounds
Beloe Suhoe
Martin Watier
New Jumo Concept
Bellroy Live Life Outside
Osum Studio
Caffe Cimo
Grey Enterprises Holdings
Backbone Technology
The Chess Hotel
Brand Catalyst Media
The Fernway
Koga Hand Built Perfection
Hello Bank
Clicky Media
Phorce The world is Your Office
So how did you found these responsive photo backgrounds in websites? We would love to hear about other inspiring examples you know about responsive photo backgrounds in the comment section below.
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