September 7, 2024

Bootstrap is a very popular and powerful front-end framework for creating websites and applications. It includes easily manageable stylesheet and some JQuery plugins to give the already awesomely designed website a boost. Bootstrap framework is very easily extensible as well making it even more attractive to use for all the designers. Bootstrap favors responsive website designs to help everyone view the framework/ website at any device whether it is handheld or a desktop or laptop. Bootstrap extensions are available in a myriad of designs to help all the designers in choosing exactly what they need to make their own websites amazing to experience for the users. With so many features available and the additionally awesome designs many designers use bootstrap extensions.

To help everyone in choosing the best twitter bootstrap extensions available online we have put together a list of all the most recent and most attractive bootstrap twitter extensions. All of the extensions featured in today’s collection are unique and very engaging so go ahead get your fill of the best twitter bootstrap extensions out there.

If you like these Twitter Bootstrap extensions, you might also like;

Twitter Bootstrap Extensions


JavaScript notifications for Bootstrap, jQuery UI, and the Web Notifications Draft.

( Download )


Bootstrap Iconpicker

A simple icon picker.

( Download )

Bootstrap Iconpicker

Bootstrap Tour

Quick and easy way to build your product tours with Bootstrap Popovers.

( Download )

Bootstrap Tour

Ladda Bootstrap

Buttons with built-in loading indicators, effectively bridging the gap between action and feedback.

( Download )

Ladda Bootstrap

Jquery SelectBoxIt.js

A jQuery Select Box Plugin for mobile,tablet and desktop.

( Download )

Jquery SelectBoxIt.js

Bootstrap Select

A custom select / multiselect for Bootstrap using button dropdown, designed to behave like regular Bootstrap selects.

( Download )

Bootstrap Select

Colorpicker For Bootstrap

Add color picker to field or to any other element.

( Download )

Colorpicker For Bootstrap


Leapstrap-Leap Motion HTML5 CSS web frontend framework. Based on Bootstrap.

( Download )



A collection of jQuery plugins for the web. Inspired by Twitter Bootstrap js components, Sco.js plugins can be used as replacement for the bootstrap js.

( Download )


Jquery Tocify.js

A jQuery Table of Contents plugin that can be themed with Twitter Bootstrap or jQueryUI.

( Download )

Jquery Tocify.js

Brand Buttons

( Download )

Brand Buttons

Bootstrap Image Gallery

Bootstrap Image Gallery is an extension to blueimp Gallery, a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image and video gallery.

( Download )

Bootstrap Image Gallery


Lightweight and pure CSS megamenu that uses the standard navbar markup and the fluid grid system classes from Bootstrap 3.

( Download )


Boot Box

Wrappers for JavaScript alert(), confirm() and other flexible dialogs using Twitter’s bootstrap framework.

( Download )

Boot Box

jQuery Bootstrap-style Dropdowns

( Download )

jQuery Bootstrap-style Dropdowns

Editable Table

Tiny jQuery/Bootstrap widget that makes a HTML table editable.

( Download )

Editable Table

Todc Bootstrap

Google-styled theme for Bootstrap.

( Download )

Todc Bootstrap


Workless is a CSS base framework to get your projects up and running as quickly as possible.

( Download )


Elusive Iconfont

The Elusive Iconfont is an icons webfont, optimized for use with twitter’s bootstrap.

( Download )

Elusive Iconfont

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