Privateer Press, founded in December 2000, is an award-winning role-playing game and miniature wargame production and publishing studio. They produced board games like Warmachine, Hordes or the Iron-Kingdoms. Hundreds of thousands of players all over the world enjoy playing their games.
Warmachine is a fast-paced and aggressive squad-based tactical action game set in the steam-powered fantasy world of the Iron Kingdoms. Players take on the role of elite soldier-sorcerers known as warcasters. Though immensely powerful combatants in their own right, the warcasters’ true strength lies in their ability to coordinate and control the mighty warjacks- massive steam-powered combat automatons that thunder across the battlefield wielding powerful weapons and engaging battle in a clash of iron and steel.
An illustrator (Andrea Uderzo) from Italy has drawn a large number of incredible Warmachine painting & illustrations for Privateer Press. Today’s post is the collection of these digital paintings for your inspiration.